What Can’t I Store in a Self Storage Unit

When using a self-storage unit, it’s important to know what you can’t store to ensure safety, compliance, and a hassle-free storage experience. Self storage can be used by a variety of people and businesses for many different reasons. The main reason for using a self-storage unit, is for more space, no matter what you are storing inside. Self storage can easily provide a safe and secure place to store your household items while moving, or stock for a business or simply you just need a bit more space. There are a variety of self storage facility that offer different storage options that may or may not be suitable for your needs.
Self Storage facilities, have strict rules on what you can and cannot store within the units, to ensure the safety of all tenants and to comply with the rule of the facility.
We can help guide you through what you can and cannot store, often self storage sites have easy to follow guidelines on their own rules and regulations making it clear and easy to understand.
Hazardous Materials
Flammable, explosive or toxic items are not allowed to be stored within self storage facilities. As these items are dangerous and can cause harm to yourself and other users of the self storage facility, harm to the environment around and to anyone who comes into contact with them.
These items can include all firearms and ammunition, these must be stored securely by a licence holder and this level of security is not provided by a self storage facility. Hazardous liquids can cause serious harm especially if they leak, items such as solvents, petrol, oil and paints are also highly flammable. Other highly flammable items which cannot be stored are fireworks, any type of explosive and compressed gas due to their highly combustible nature.
Perishable Items
Perishable items are not allowed to be stored within a self storage unit, the main reason being it will attract vermin and pests into your unit. They may then nest, breed and infest the rest of your items within the unit. The other main reason is the items will start to degrade and rot. Causing mould and odours which can then also spread to the rest of the items you have stored within the unit.
All food items are perishable, even if they are packed well they will begin to perish if within a self storage unit. All frozen items, will bio-degrade quickly as soon as they are not frozen. It is not just human food items you need to be careful of, pet food can cause the same issues. Also, plants will not survive with the lack of light and therefore die and degrade causing mould and realising moisture and odours into your unit.
Living Things
Living things, whether that’s humans or pets are not allowed to be stored within a self storage unit. The storage units are not designed for animals of any type it would be cruel to leave any living animal inside a self storage unit. You also cannot use the space for living in, it might look like a cheap option but it is not allowed. Many units do not have any power let alone any facilities, therefore using them as a living space is strictly forbidden.
As well as not being safe for animals or humans with no facilities available, within the units themselves, meaning they are unsuitable for animals or people to stay in. There may be legal consequences for using the storage unit as a living space.
Illegal and Stolen Goods
All the items you store within your storage unit must be legal and owned legally by yourself. You cannot store anything illegal within a storage unit, this includes anything with violates local and national laws.
This includes any non duty paid goods, stolen items, contraband, counterfeit items, unlicensed weapons and the list goes on. If you cannot store and keep an item legally yourself you cannot keep it within a storage unit.
Other Prohibited Items
Other prohibited items, including medical waste must be stored and disposed of correctly so it does not cause any harm. Vapes and their liquids are also often not allowed to be stored within the facilities. Storage units are dry and clean and often do not allow for the storage of items that can cause a mess and leak fluids such as vehicles. All self storage sites may have a list of items that cannot be stored within their sites, such as scented candles and motorbikes.
Know the Rules and Store with Confidence
All self storage facilities will be able to help and advise you on what you can and cannot store within their facility (helping you know the rules). So, ensure you check with your chosen facility if you are looking to store something you might not be sure about, as they might have specific rules about particular items.
If you speak to the self storage facility you have chosen to establish the rules before you book and move into your unit, this can save you time and money in the future. You do not want to book a unit for your car and then arrive on the day to only find out the facility does not allow for the storage of vehicles.
Following the guidelines for your chosen storage facility, and using a little common sense should ensure you have a safe and seamless storage experience to store your chosen items.